May 21, 2011

Wrapping Up - Final Project

So, here is an outline of the Wendy's functions:

  • Follow people with eyes.
  • Open and close eyelids to "sleep" when people are not around and be "awake" when people are in front of her.
  • Perk up her eyebrows when people are around, and rest eyebrows when people leave.
  • Talk to people when she hears people
    • "come closer" when people are quiet
    • "hi" or "hello" when people are louder followed by "Hmmm... interesting" or "Tell me more"

Here are some videos of Wendy interacting with people at the engineering demonstration at Wellesley. I should note that she worked much better at the craft fair on Saturday, but, alas, I have no video of this. We finally got her to sense better when our instructor procured a backdrop for us, but she still was not functioning as well as she did in the lab.

I would like to add some commentary at the end, as an overview of this whole project.

Next time, I wish we had concentrated on doing a few things really well instead of doing a lot of things. We wasted a lot of time doing things that we had no hope of completing (like turning the head 360 degrees which would involve constructing a neck, completely reconstructing Wendy's brain area, and programming something to tell it when and how to turn.) We could have used that time more constructively.
On a similar note, I wish I would have spent more time programming the eyebrows or thinking of something for them to do. I spent no more than 15 minutes programming the eyebrows including the time I spent thinking about coding the eyebrows. Maybe if I had spent more time, they would have done something interesting and unique.
Our group also wasted a lot of time on communication errors. I had a plan for the eyelids, but my group spent time fruitlessly working on them, time that they could have spent doing something else. I wasted time tinkering with Christine's eyeballs, and I'm sure there are more instances of this that I have blocked from my memory.
A related issue was that we had integration issues. It took us longer that we would have expected to assemble our head and it required some redesign. We also waited until the end to do things like add casing to the "brains", so we had no time to print our something with sheet plastic shelving and we had to settle with a few delrin rods to support all of our motors and gears.
As an overall reflection, it also would have been better to have spread out the work more evenly across the time that we had instead of waiting until the last few days before the puppet was due. We should have anticipated that it would take quite some time to put everything together.